If you readers are very very generous internet surfers, you must know that this is probably the second time I'm posting about Consciousness. I've put a lot of emphasis in the fact that all humans are manifestors. We exist to create and manifest what is to come, and what there is, what is there, and what is not.
Hence, matter does not exist.
Matter originates and exists only by a virtue of force
which brings the particle of an atom to vibration
and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together.
We must assume behind this force,
the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind
(for an atom only appears in a certain place
when a conscious observer decides to look at it,
thus, the act of observing creates the whole universe).
The mind is the matrix of all matter.
Max Planck
There is an ocean of pure vibrant consciousness inside each and everyone of you. It is right in the source of base of mind and thought, and at the source of all matter.
Modern physics has assured us that this solidity is just a mirage. All physical matter is the result of a frequency, or thought, and what that also means is that if you amplify the frequency, it will change the structure of the matter.
Quantum Physics has revealed what ancient master already knew; matter does not exist. The substance of the Universe is consciousness - believed that the substance of the Universe is matter. Do go to these links to discover more of this astonishing revelation:
Consciousness Drives The UniverseThe Reality as You Know It Does Not ExistMax Planck
DIARYFridayYay! I'm doing a duet with JingYing. But my arms are aching so much cause I wasn't use to carry girls, not that you are heavy JingYing HAHAHA
As usual, somehow, made a habit of going home with Mandi. She makes everything a whole lot better. She wants me to send her home after dance sessions LOL I'm so wanted
Follow mommy to supermarket, then to the Cash Converter at Admiralty to trade off the Osim $500 Foot Massager for $120. It doesn't matter cause no one uses it anyway. It was a gift from Isaac, oh well, he must have been really pissed. Lemme tell you, its freaking freaking heavy mans.
Go to supermarket alone to buy loads of groceries. Woah, $50 spent in just an hour on just buying food/household items. I'm back, helping mommy cook Chilli Crabs. Did some research on Consciousness, and there you go (: